Please check the Events page for upcoming courses in pranayama and meditation.
These downloadable courses are edited recordings of Zoom courses given in 2022 and 2023.
There is a free sample practice so you can get a feel for what is being delivered and whether the content, pace and voice work for you.
Each session is a guided practice of about one hour duration moving seamlessly through a sequence of pre-pranayama, simple pranayama and meditation in sitting and lying positions. This allows for a natural process of sensitizing and internalisation hence creating the best possible opportunity for experience that is sustainable and empowering. Detailed content is below. Course 1 has eight sessions. Course 2 has seven.
They are designed for those who wish to develop and deepen their sadhana – regular home practice, over a period of months. Whilst they may have some effect as a one-off session, the real benefit is in following the whole course.
It is also possible however to split the practice into two sessions; pranayama and a separate sitting meditation technique.
Course 1 develops the techniques of Kaya Sthairyam – body stillness and Antar Mouna – observation of the sensory and inner experience.
Course 2 develops the practice of Ajapa Japa – the priceless, lifelong meditation technique combining breath and mantra awareness.
Whilst the classes were weekly, the content of these courses is sufficient for at least six months of regular progressive sadhana.
The courses are at different levels and detailed content is below. Regardless of previous experience the benefit is in systematic practice over a period of time. This allows for experience that is both digestable and sustainable.
If you have any queries as to what would be suitable for you according to your practice and experience then please feel free to be in touch.
The downloads are in zip file format, so you receive the whole course and can practice and develop in your own time. There is no time limit on the downloads.
Course 1 – Pranayama & Meditation (Beginners Course) – £50
Eight progressive sessions of one hour each.
Suitable for beginners and for those with a little experience. Experienced practitioners may still gain benefits from this course.
Beginners Pre-Pranayama :
- 9-part breath – this is an excellent technique of developing breath awareness I learnt from Philip Xerri.
- Viloma pranayama – stepped breathing, develops strength, control and capacity
- Equalised breathing – developing control and ratios of breathing
Beginners Pranayama:
- Nadi Shodhana -alternate nostril breath developed in stages,
- Hasta mudra pranayama sequence – introduction to this sensitising breath practice with specific accompanying hand mudras
- Kaya Sthairyam (sample here) – Body stillness meditation – focusing on body posture and sensations, moving into:
- Antar Mouna – inner silence practice of developing awareness of mind, thoughts, feelings and associations
See shop here
Course 2 – Pranayama & Meditation (Intermediate Course) – £50
Seven progressive sessions of one hour each
Suitable for those with some experience of pranayama and meditation
- 9-part breathing – an excellent technique I learnt from Philip Xerri
- Equalising Breath and Extending Exhalation
- Breath balancing – Pada Dhirasana
- Nadi Shodhana – from a basic practice to establishing 1:2 ratio
- Hasta Mudra Pranayama Sequence – developing ratios
- Kapalbhati – introduced as a pre-meditation technique
- Prana Shuddhi – mentally purifying the nadis as preparation
- Ajapa Japa – spontaneous use of mantra of breath combined with kechari mudra and ujjayi pranayama.
See shop here
Introductory Offer – £50 per course or £80 for both
See shop here
Free meditation
Kaya Sthairyam from Course 1
Body stillness meditation – focusing on body posture and sensations…